MATLAB: What boards supported by the Real-Time Windows Target also support encoder inputs

boardcardencoderi/oinputsreal timertwtsupporttargetwindows

What boards supported by the Real-Time Windows Target also support encoder inputs?

Best Answer

Boards from the following companies use encoder inputs and are also supported by Real-Time Windows Target:
  • Measurement Computing
  • Humusoft
  • Quanser
  • Technology 80
For information on the specific board type, see the following URL:
and click on "Supported Hardware".
You may select to use any of the above mentioned boards with Real-Time Windows Target.
PLEASE NOTE: Although certain boards, not mentioned above, may have the ability to support encoder inputs, the driver for these boards used by Real-Time Windows Target does NOT support encoder inputs. Only the above mentioned boards are shipped with drivers that fully support encoder inputs with Real-Time Windows Target.