MATLAB: What are the various native fitness functions that can be called in GA Optimization Toolbox

fitness functionsgenetic algorithmoptimization

I have used
are there any other besides rastriginsfcn?

Best Answer

You can use any objective function from Optimization Toolbox or Global Optimization Toolbox. In particular,
  • expensive_objfun
  • objfun
  • onehump
  • ackleyfcn
  • cantileverVolume
  • dejong1fcn
  • dejong2fcn
  • dejong5fcn
  • lincontest2
  • lincontest6
  • lincontest7
  • ps_example
  • simple_fitness
  • simple_objective
Take a look at the featured examples for these and more.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation