MATLAB: What are the methods for synchronization/merging of Test harness’s to new main model

simulinksimulink testtest harness

What are the methods to merge Test Harness with the newer version of the model when multiple developers are working on the development of the model and development of test harness?
In most of the development environments, one tester will be creating test harness for one function in the model and the other tester will be developing harness for other function. At the same time, the developer will be updating the model.
How can merge these different test harness created for the updated version of the model?

Best Answer

Hi Varunjith Vijayan,
Based on my understanding, you may use one of the following workflows:
The design model is checkout in Git by developers. More than 1 persons are using the design model to generate or modify test harnesses.
1) People create test harnesses which are saved with different names.
For this workflow, when the test harnesses and harnessInfo.xml are checked in, people need update the harnessInfo.xml with the latest changes and add the newly created harness information into harnessInfo.xml.
2) People create test harnesses which are saved with SAME names.
The second harness needs to be saved with a different name and the newly created harness information can be added into harnessInfo.xml.
3) More than two persons are modifying the same test harness.
The difference between two test harnesses can be obtained using Simulink Project. The difference between two harnessInfo.xml files can be obtained using MATLAB "Compare" function, which can be found at the following position: Launch MATLAB -> HOME(The 1st toolstrip) -> Compare.
If the information in harnessInfo.xml is correct, the harness can be found correctly.