MATLAB: What are the licensing terms


I want to know the duration of an Individual License. I want to know the price of re-installation after that term is finished. I want to know the duration of a Student License. And I also what to know why this information cannot be found anywhere on Mathwork's website?

Best Answer

Individual licenses are permanent. There are limits on the number of systems you can have them installed on, and limits on the number of times per year you can change the computer they are associated with, but you can keep running as long as you can still find computers that support the operating executable.
Support for any given release is only available for at most 5 years (when you have appropriate support contracts.)
There are three versions of the Student Version license. One is valid for one term, one is valid for one year, and the most common one is valid indefinitely. "Indefinitely" is "as long as you are enrolled in a degree-granting institution". If you graduate and get a job then your license could not be used -- but if you went back for additional courses, then the license would be valid while you are enrolled in those courses. To put it another way, the license would be valid whenever you are a student, but would not be valid while you are not a student. It would not have to be re-activated for that kind of continued use: it is a legal limitation rather than a technical limitation.
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