MATLAB: What are the header files included in the generated code generated for Adaptive AUTOSAR

Embedded Coder

I am seeing a couple of files that I do not recognize in the generated code for AUTOSAR. For instance the following include statements in the generated main file:
#include <ara/exec/application_client.h>
#include <ara/log/logger.h>
Also these files in a generated header:
#include "requiredinterface_proxy.h"
#include "providedinterface_skeleton.h"
What are these files and where are they located?

Best Answer

For "application_client.h","logger.h", the AUTOSAR platform provides these headers/libraries, and the generated code uses them. These libraries/headers are installed when when the user installs their adaptive AUTOSAR development platform. MathWorks does not provide the adaptive AUTOSAR platform, but our generated code expects platform headers and libraries to be available when compiling the Simulink generated code.
As for the "requiredinterface_proxy.h" and "providedinterface_skeleton.h" files. These files are similar to the ones discussed above ("application_client.h","logger.h"), but they are slightly different as the files mentioned earlier are simply files provided by the user's adaptive platform environment. These files ("requiredinterface_proxy.h" and "providedinterface_skeleton.h") are generated by the user's adaptive platform environment, based on the ARXML that Simulink creates at code generation time.
In Simulink, when the user creates the mapping between Simulink and AUTOSAR, they must have created two interfaces called "requiredinterface" and "providedinterface" and then when they generated code from Simulink, they would get an model.arxml file (XML file) that included information about those "requiredinterface" and "providedinterface" files.
Their adaptive platform would then have some compilation tool that reads these ARXML files and generates those two headers from information in the ARXML file. A service provider skeleton and requester proxy generator should be used that should generate those two headers. This generator is usually a part of the development tooling for the Communication Management Software.