MATLAB: What are the different passcodes used to install and activate MATLAB


I would like information about the passcodes used to install MATLAB.

Best Answer

There are several different passcodes used to install MATLAB. See the information below for information regarding MATLAB passcodes:
For the MATLAB Student Version:
The MATLAB Student Version is installed with a serial number which is a 20 digit number. For example:
For the MATLAB professional versions, see below:
For release R2008a and higher:
For release R2008a and higher, there are three passcodes for MATLAB:
- The File Installation Key
- The Activation Key
- The license file
The File Installation Key (FIK) is a number string that it use to install the software. This code will only install the MathWorks software, the File Installation Key has no impact on licensing. This key is used when installing MATLAB manually without the Internet and when installing network licenses.
The following is an example of a File Installation Key:
The Activation Key is similar in form to the File Installation Key. It is used to allow a user associate to a license. It can be used to allow someone to install and activate MATLAB when installing and activating automatically using the Internet. It can be used when creating an account in the installer or after logging into your MathWorks account.
The following is an example of an Activation Key:
The license file is a text file that activates the MATLAB software. This file will either contain standalone license information (for Individual and Group licenses), or contain the information used to contact the license server for MATLAB (Concurrent and Network Named User). The following are examples of the contents of the license file:
Individual license:
INCREMENT MATLAB MLM 21 01-jan-0000 uncounted 6ACEBBDEDD4D \
x64_n" ISSUED=11-Jun-2009 SN=999999 TS_OK
Concurrent license:
SERVER 001122CCBBAA 27000
For release R2007b or below:
For R2007b and below, MATLAB is installed with either a Personal License Password (PLP) for Windows platforms, or a license file for Linux/Unix/Mac.
A PLP is a number string that starts with 2 digits followed by a series of 5 digit strings. For example:
The first two digits correspond to the release of MATLAB. For example, 18=R2007b, 17=R2007a, etc.
For Linux/Unix/Mac platforms, the license file is used to install MATLAB. The installer looks for the "INCREMENT TMW_Archive" line within the license file. For example:
INCREMENT TMW_Archive MLM 17 01-jan-0000 0 5AAACCCBBBB99897C9E \
VENDOR_STRING=1fd956123422dbfca HOSTID=DEMO \
This line appears only in license files that were created for releases prior to R2008a.