MATLAB: What are the differences between Equivalent Baseband and Circuit Envelope modeling, in SimRF 4.0 (R2013a)

RF Blockset

I understand that the SimRF block library is divided into two main sections: Equivalent Baseband and Circuit Envelope. I would like to know more about these modeling methods, and the differences between them.

Best Answer

The two modeling techniques available in SimRF, Equivalent Baseband (EBB) and Circuit Envelope (CE), are two different approaches to solving the problem of high Nyquist sampling requirements for RF systems (since RF systems typically involve signals in the MHz-GHz range). Since the underlying modeling techniques used by EBB and CE are fundamentally different, the two types of blocks cannot be mixed with one another. An overview of these two techniques (and the differences between them) is as follows:
Equivalent Baseband:
An EBB model implements the following procedure during simulation:
1) Determine the RF Circuit based on the blocks in the model
2) Find the passband transfer function frequency response of the model
3) Find a transfer function that represents the same frequency response centered around 0Hz (baseband)
4) Derive an equivalent Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter representation of the baseband transfer function.
These steps are illustrated in the figure below:
For more information on EBB modeling, please see the following link:
Circuit Envelope:
Rather than simulating the full passband carrier wave, CE only simulates the amplitude modulated outline of the carrier wave, as shown in the figure below. This reduces the sampling rate requirement to only 2*BandWidth_Envelope:
For more information on CE modeling, please see the following link:
Differences between EBB and CE:
There are various trade-offs when choosing between the two modeling approaches. Please see the table below for more information: