MATLAB: What are the best materials to learn MATLAB function in simulink


What are the best materials to learn MATLAB function in simulink? Here are some links I found on simulink – and in the sample on Simulink by Valerie Gilbert "Core Processes and MATLAB function in Simulink". I've also tired to look in the MATLAB function section of examples. Where else can I look for them?

Best Answer

The above links contains information about the built-in functions that can be usable in Simulink, which are already usable in MATLAB. This brings a huge flexibility for your model therefore please check the first link carefully and see if there are the built-in functions which you need.
Other than checking these links, please consider the perspective that MATLAB Function blocks in Simulink are mainly used and preferred since they are compatible with generated C code. If you want to learn them for real, please build simple models which includes MATLAB Functions and see the code generated from them.