MATLAB: What are normalized positions of a legend with respect to in MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a)


Please execute the following commands:
h = plot(0:10, 0:10);
lh = legend(h,'xxx','northwest');
lpos = get(lh, 'Position')
lpos should give the following result:
lpos =
0.7551 0.8512 0.1411 0.0556
However the lower lefthand corner starts at somewhere beyond 8.0 but lpos(1) says 0.7551 on the scale from 0 to 10, indicating the lower lefthand corner should start at somewhere 7.5. Why this discrepancy?

Best Answer

Normalized positions of a legend are with respect to the figure that contains it, not with respect to the axis as Legend is a child of Figure not of Axis.