MATLAB: What are best practices when working with MATLAB from home

I need to prepare for working with MATLAB and other MathWorks products from my home office. What are best practices?

Best Answer

To install MATLAB from home, refer to:
When using MATLAB Desktop from home, good internet connection and a computer with similar performance as your computer in the office is key.
Here are some known issues for working from home without well preparation:
1) MATLAB startup performance issue
This happens when MATLAB attempt to access files / license from network drives with slow connection. For details and workaround, refer to:
2) Simulink crashing after long time running
Likely caused by insufficient memory. To workaround, refer to:
3) Failure during online update or unexpected behavior after installing update
Slow or unstable connection may cause this issue. To solve it, refer to:
4) Error message of port 31515 when launching Appdesiner, Simulink or some other features
Might be caused by VPN or proxy. To have more information, refer to:
5) Error message of undefined function or license error
Might be a license issue. Refer to:
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