MATLAB: What are batch files and how to create them in Windows XP to execute a MATLAB stand-alone application with the DOS window minimized


I would like to create a batch file in Windows XP, so that the DOS window is minimized while executing a MATLAB standalone application.

Best Answer

Batch files are not programs but lists of command line instructions that are 'batched' together in one file. Batch files do not contain any compiled code, so they can be opened, copied and edited.
To create a batch file that will run a MATLAB Compiler-generated stand-alone executable, take the following steps :
1. Open an ASCII text editor such as Notepad (not Word or Wordpad)
2. Type or copy the following text:
where application is the name of the stand-alone application that you wish to execute.
3. Save the file as, say, 'start.bat'.
4. Create a shortcut to 'start.bat'.
5. Set 'Run: Minimized' from the Properties -> Shortcut pane of the shortcut.
When you double-click on this shortcut, application.exe will execute with the DOS window minimized.