MATLAB: What am I missing on the round function

round function

I have the following code; Round_Data2 gives me the desired output, whereas Round_Data1 does not and I need to know why this is the case. The objective of the code is to round the values of filename to the the nearest integer. filename is a text file, labelled "Input Data," ie "Input Data.txt"
Any help would be extremely appreciated.
filename=inputdlg('Enter the name of the file you wish to read; include the file extension.');
Round_Data1=round(filename); %Rounding

Round_Data2=round(Input_Data); %Rounding

Best Answer

You can't round a string. You need to read in the data and round that
storedStructure = load(filename);
thisData = storedStructure.yourData; % Whatever it's called...
thisData = round(thisData, 2); % Round to 2 decimal places.