MATLAB: What advanced serial capabilities does the Instrument Control Toolbox provide in addition to the functionality of MATLAB serial

additionaldifferencedifferencesdifferentextrafeaturefeaturesictInstrument Control Toolbox

I am interfacing with my computer's serial port using the SERIAL function in MATLAB. I would like to know what advanced features are offered with the Instrument Control Toolbox.

Best Answer

Besides the TMTOOL GUI for controlling the serial port, the Instrument Control Toolbox will provide several additional utility functions. These functions include:
QUERY - Write and read formatted data from instrument.
INSTRRESET - find all serial port objects, disconnect them and delete them.
FLUSHINPUT - Remove data from input buffer.
FLUSHOUTPUT - Remove data from output buffer.
OBJ2MFILE - Convert serial port object to MATLAB code.
PROPINFO - Return serial port object property information such as the values a property can be set to. This is useful for creating GUIs.
INSTRHELP - receive on-line property and method help.
INSTRHWINFO - Determine the available hardware - what serial ports are available.
TMTOOL - A GUI that displays resources accessible by the Instrument Control Toolbox, enabling you to configure and communicate with those resources.
The toolbox also adds GPIB and VISA support. The above functions work on these types of objects as well.
For more information on the Instrument Control Toolbox, visit the product web page at: