MATLAB: Weighted fit with lsqcurvefit and (ideally) multistart

fittingGlobal Optimization ToolboxlsqcurvefitMATLABmodellingmultistartodeweighting

I'm working on a problem that involves fitting experimental data to a model comprising a system of (connected) ODEs, in order to extrapolate optimum parameters (k) that give the best fit. For general background, the data refers to levels of metabolites in cells, and the model is a simple one of the metabolic pathways that connect them. (Can't say too much more for now!).
I've been using lsqcurvefit with multistart to fit this. It works pretty decently (let me know if not, it'll be a silly copying error!). However, I was wondering if it is possible to apply a weighting function to the fitting (either using this fitting method or otherwise)? Rationale – the absolute values of each c(n) have very different absolute magnitudes and error magnitudes, simply as they had to be multiplied by different constant factors to process them. Ideally, the weights would be roughly:
– c(1), c(2), c(6): 1
– c(3), c(7): 40
– all others: 4000
Without weighting, the fit for the larger c(1), c(2), c(3), c(6) and c(7) is great – but for the smaller other ones it is less good. (Or, rather, the fit is OK, but I get wildly different k-values each time for steps involving the smaller c(n)).
Any advice would be much appreciated. I am something of a novice – basically a biologist teaching myself matlab! – so please excuse any ignorance. Also happy to hear alternative approaches of course. I've copied the raw data to fit, the objective function, and my multistart fitting below in that order. I have them as separate files, so I haven't attempted to combined them into one…
Thanks a lot,
%experimental data to fit%
time_full = [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;24;48;96;144;192;240;288;336;384;432];
label_full = [95.898177 0 0 0 0 4 0.1 0.001055 0.000768
95.898177 0.116654171 0.000169089 0 0 3.883345829 0.099830911 0.001055 0.000768
95.898177 0.221311714 0.000215784 0 0 3.778688286 0.099784216 0.001055 0.000768
95.898177 0.361815956 0.001337332 0 0 3.638184044 0.098662668 0.001055 0.000768
95.898177 0.443043182 0.001897635 0 0 3.556956818 0.098102365 0.001055 0.000768
95.898177 0.511783075 0.002904908 2.73612E-06 0 3.488216925 0.097095092 0.001052264 0.000768
95.898177 0.596086415 0.003847949 2.19614E-05 0 3.403913585 0.096152051 0.001033039 0.000768
95.898177 0.70422927 0.004991988 3.41544E-05 0 3.29577073 0.095008012 0.001020846 0.000768
95.898177 0.736165548 0.005402772 4.34905E-05 0 3.263834452 0.094597228 0.00101151 0.000768
95.898177 0.863634039 0.006882534 4.92657E-05 0 3.136365961 0.093117466 0.001005734 0.000768
95.898177 0.961691531 0.007922809 8.34772E-05 0 3.038308469 0.092077191 0.000971523 0.000768
95.898177 1.694849679 0.02488041 0.000242074 0.000298399 2.305150321 0.07511959 0.000812926 0.000469601
95.898177 2.156329216 0.046290117 0.00048092 0.00018762 1.843670784 0.053709883 0.00057408 0.00058038
95.898177 2.28066375 0.058965709 0.000558424 0.000402402 1.71933625 0.041034291 0.000496576 0.000365598
95.898177 2.263872217 0.060281286 0.000637646 0.000436729 1.736127783 0.039718714 0.000417354 0.000331271
95.898177 2.280749095 0.059985812 0.000590469 0.000523726 1.719250905 0.040014188 0.000464531 0.000244274
95.898177 2.250775532 0.059775064 0.000604293 0.00049205 1.749224468 0.040224936 0.000450707 0.00027595
95.898177 2.248860841 0.059972783 0.000622058 0.000422935 1.751139159 0.040027217 0.000432942 0.000345065
95.898177 2.28310359 0.059096809 0.000547755 0.000441093 1.71689641 0.040903191 0.000507245 0.000326907
95.898177 2.324286746 0.058745232 0.000581056 0.000433505 1.675713254 0.041254768 0.000473944 0.000334495
95.898177 2.298780141 0.059541016 0.000586692 0.000465395 1.701219859 0.040458984 0.000468308 0.000302605]
%objective function that models system of interest. k-values 1 through 7 to be determined through fitting values for each c(n) to this model%
function C=kinetics_full(k,t)
c0=[95.898177 0 0 0 0 4 0.1 0.001055 0.000768];
[~,C]=ode45(@(t,c) DifEq(t,c,k),t,c0);
function dC=DifEq(t,c,k)
%multistart fitting protocol%
problem = createOptimProblem ('lsqcurvefit','objective', @kinetics_full, 'x0', randn(7,1), ...
'lb', [0,0,0,0,0,0,0.03], 'ub', [10,10,10,10,10,10,0.07],'xdata',time_full,'ydata',label_full);
ms = MultiStart('PlotFcns',@gsplotbestf);
[xmulti,errormulti] = run(ms,problem,20);

Best Answer

I doubt that weighting is appropriate, and I would not recommend doing that.
I recognise that code excerpt, so I am attaching an updated version of that file using the ga (genetic algorithm) function to do the parameter estimation. It uses random initial values for the population, so I definitely advise running it several times, saving the parameter vector (‘theta’) and ending fitness value (‘fval’) for each run to determine the best fit among several runs. Likely the easiest way to do that would be to add an output to the function:
function [theta,fval] = Igor_Moura_GA
so you can then call it in a for loop, and write the ‘theta’ and ‘fval’ values to a file so you do not lose them if something should go wrong.
Also, it may be best to include the initial conditions in the parameter vector, rather than assuming that the hard-coded initial conditions are the best. Append the initial conditions parameters onto the end of the parameter vector, so in that original code, with 6 parameters and 4 initial conditions, the new parameter vector would have a length of 10 and the ‘kinetics’ function would then be written:
function C = kinetics(theta,t)
c0 = theta(7:10);
[T,Cv] = ode45(@DifEq,t,c0);
function dC=DifEq(t,c)
dcdt(2)= theta(1).*c(1)+theta(4).*c(3)-theta(3).*c(2)-theta(5).*c(2);
dcdt(3)= theta(2).*c(1)+theta(3).*c(2)-theta(4).*c(3)+theta(6).*c(4);
dcdt(4)= theta(5).*c(2)-theta(6).*c(4);
Be sure to change the ‘Parms’ (parameter number) value to reflect the augmented parameter vector length. My code will make the appropriate adjustments.