MATLAB: Webcam preview in GUI axes is shown as black image


Hi there,
i'm trying to show the live video of a webcam in an GUI right now using the axes area.
By using the preview function in it's own window i can see the live video of the webcam.
But by using the preview function with the image handle to show the sequence in the axes area there is just a black image displayed.
I already changed the resolution and tried a different webcam, but i always get the black image.
The Webcam is a Logitech c922 Pro Stream and i'm using Windows 10 64 bit with Matlab R2019a.
Thank you very much for your help in advance.
Here is the code i'm using:
function pushbutton_start_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
cam = webcam(2);
frame = snapshot(cam);
im = image(handles.axes_video,zeros(size(frame),'uint8'));

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