MATLAB: Wavelet translation and dilation

continuous wavelet transformcwtscaleswavelet

Continous wavelet transform is done by convoluting a signal with various translated and dilated daughter wavelets, right? In order to do so the Matlab Wavelet Toolbox´s User Guide mentions two parameters a and b. When actually usiung the cwt function , you actually only assign valuse for the scale a which is responsible for the wavelet´s dilation.
What about the translation?
Does a tighter wavelet so to say fit more often onto the signal, hence providing for the different time resoultion compared to broader scaled wavelets?

Best Answer

The translation parameter ranges over the length of the input signal. However, this means that you have to think about edge effects. If you look at the function conofinf.m, you can see how the values of the input series that affect the wavelet coefficients at increasing scales increases.
Look at the section -- Interpreting the CWT Coefficients