MATLAB: Warnings when opening or closing app designer apps


I get warnings when I open or close apps that I’m working on. Even when I run a blank app newly created via New > App >App Designer, I still get warnings. 
Warning on startup: 
Warning: A value of class "appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService" was indexed with no subscripts specified. Currently the result of this operation 
is the indexed value itself, but in a future release, it will be an error. 
> In matlab.apps.AppBase/registerApp (line 26) 
In BlankApp (line 30) 
Warning when closing: 
Warning: A value of class "appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService" was indexed with no subscripts specified. Currently the result of this operation 
is the indexed value itself, but in a future release, it will be an error. 
> In matlab.apps.AppBase/delete (line 7) 
In appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService>@(src,e)delete(app) (line 210) 
In closereq (line 18) 
In matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureController>@(o,e)this.Model.hgclose() (line 239) 
In internal.Callback.execute (line 128) 
In matlab.internal.webwindow/onCustomEvent (line 1055) 
In matlab.internal.webwindow>@(source,data)obj.onCustomEvent(data.Type,data.Data) (line 238) 
In asyncio.Channel/onCustomEvent (line 429) 
In asyncio.Channel>@(source,data)obj.onCustomEvent(data.Type,data.Data) (line 361)

Best Answer

This is a known issue and the developers will be working towards fixing it in a future release of MATLAB.
In the mean time, you can turn off the warning messages for 'MATLAB:subscripting:noSubscriptsSpecified'. This can be done by executing the following command in the MATLAB command window:
>> warning('off','MATLAB:subscripting:noSubscriptsSpecified')
This will ensure that you do not see them anymore.