MATLAB: Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 0, tol = NaN.

curve fittingif statementlsqcurvefitnonlinear regressionnonlinearmodelrank deficientStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Hi Dears,
I'm using lsqcurvefit to fit my data. Sometimes, when I select an initial guess I get the following error:
Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 0, tol = NaN.
My question is not about how to fix that error. Rather, I hope to see how to avoid that fitting process entirely when it detects that error!
I mean, suppose the curve fitting (using lsqcurvefit or any other optimization tool; such as:, etc) is located in a function that is called via a main m-file. If the previous warning is detected, then the m-file should ignore or bypass that function and proceeds normally without stopping the program on a red error message says: Error using lsqcurvefit (line 251) Function value and YDATA sizes are not equal.
All what I need is like an if-statement. If the initial guess is healthy then please fit the data; otherwise, ignore the curve fitting stage and jump to the next lines in the main m-file.
Could you please guide me in resolving this issue.
Thank you so much

Best Answer

Have a look at
That way you might be able to put the curve fitting (or other fragile attempts) in the try part and handle the occasional errors in the catch part.