MATLAB: Warning phase plane plots

ezplotphase planeplotplotting

I am trying to plot a phase plane. But the code gives me the following warning:
Warning: Function failed to evaluate on array inputs; vectorizing the function may speed up its evaluation and avoid the need to loop over array elements.
> In ezplotfeval (line 56)
In ezplot>ezimplicit (line 257)
In ezplot (line 153)
In phaseplane (line 9)
The corresponding line in the code:
f_handle=ezplot(@(x,y)myfunction(x,y,K),[0 K 0 0.025/0.03]);
hold on
Could you please help me to fix it?

Best Answer

z = b .* x .* (1 - x./(min(K,(P-theta.*y)./q))) - (c.*x) ./ (a+x) .* y;
z = e .* min(1,((P-theta.*y) ./ x) ./ theta) .* (c .* x) ./ (a+x) .* y - d .* y;
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