MATLAB: Warning messages when using parfor in appdesigner app

app designerMATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

I have been migrating an application which I previously built with GUIDE to appdesigner. One part of that application involves using the parallel toolbox for an expensive computation.
When running this portion of the application (which I call 'ASI') implemented wtih appdesigner, I see the following warning messages. There are 6 workers in my parallel pool, and it seems that each one of them is sending back the same message. These kind of warning messages do not appear when running the corresponding version of the application in GUIDE. The computation is completing successfully. It is just worrying that these warning messages are present.
Warning: Unable to save App Designer app object. Save not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
Warning: Unable to save App Designer app object. Save not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
Warning: While loading an object of class 'ASI':
Unable to load App Designer app object. Load not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
> In parallel.internal.pool.deserialize (line 33)
In parallel.internal.pool.deserializeFunction (line 17)
In remoteParallelFunction (line 29)
Warning: While loading an object of class 'ASI':
Unable to load App Designer app object. Load not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
> In parallel.internal.pool.deserialize (line 33)
In parallel.internal.pool.deserializeFunction (line 17)
In remoteParallelFunction (line 29)
Warning: While loading an object of class 'ASI':
Unable to load App Designer app object. Load not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
> In parallel.internal.pool.deserialize (line 33)
In parallel.internal.pool.deserializeFunction (line 17)
In remoteParallelFunction (line 29)
Warning: While loading an object of class 'ASI':
Unable to load App Designer app object. Load not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
> In parallel.internal.pool.deserialize (line 33)
In parallel.internal.pool.deserializeFunction (line 17)
In remoteParallelFunction (line 29)
Warning: While loading an object of class 'ASI':
Unable to load App Designer app object. Load not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
> In parallel.internal.pool.deserialize (line 33)
In parallel.internal.pool.deserializeFunction (line 17)
In remoteParallelFunction (line 29)
Warning: While loading an object of class 'ASI':
Unable to load App Designer app object. Load not supported for matlab.apps.AppBase objects.
> In parallel.internal.pool.deserialize (line 33)
In parallel.internal.pool.deserializeFunction (line 17)
In remoteParallelFunction (line 29)

Best Answer

It looks like you're either implicitly or explicitly using ASI within your parfor loop. You don't show the problematic code, but at a guess you might be doing something like this:
parfor idx = ...
doStuff(ASI.something, ...);
If that is the problem, then the fix is straightforward - extract the fields you need from ASI ahead of the parfor loop.
thing = ASI.something;
parfor idx = ...
doStuff(thing, ...);