MATLAB: “Warning: Integer operands are required for colon operator when used as index” in fft

fffinteger operandswarning

Hello everyone, I tried to write a script in order to perform a fft of an accelerometric signal. When I run the code the warning in object appears. Below the faulty code line (second line):
where x1 is the accelerometric signal and N1=length(x1). I deem the problem is in the operation N1/2 and I think I have to use the function "floor". Can you help me? Thank you very much!

Best Answer

N1 is odd, so N1/2 is a fraction. Add 1 to that and it is still a fraction. You are then trying to index from 1 to that fraction. That will give you a warning.
You need to either prevent N1 from being odd, or else you need to use floor() or fix() or round() on the N1/2 so that it is no longer a fraction