MATLAB: Warning: Integer operands are required for colon operator when used as index

colon operatorindexinteger operandswarning

Hi, so I think i know what the issue is, that being the " /2 " portion of the code giving a decimal as an answer, but I thought the addition of " .5 " would fix that as it gives me all my correct values. My question is, does this warning actually affect the out come of my calculations?
pixel_seg.A81 = middle.middle_interpolate((28536/2+.5):(28598/2),:); %gives warning

pixel_seg.B81 = middle.middle_interpolate((28599/2+.5):(28634/2),:); %gives warning
tap.tapA81B81 = (((abs((sum(pixel_seg.A81)/length(pixel_seg.A81))-...
Thanks for your time

Best Answer

28536 is already even, so do not add 0.5 after dividing by 2.
28599 is odd, so it would need to be rounded after dividing by 2.
Using floor() or ceil() is safer than adding 0.5, due to potential round-off error.