MATLAB: “Warning: Error updating Legend” when opening a saved figure as .fig

error updating legendfigparentpositioncachepoints

Hello !
My problem is the following :
  • I have saved many figures as ".fig" from a computer to which I can't access anymore.
  • When I wan't to open these figures from my own computer (Matlab R2018a), I obtain the following error : "Warning: Error updating Legend. Reference to non-existent field 'ParentPositionCachePoints'." Concretely, I obtain :
Fig_PROBLEM.jpginstead of : Fig.jpg
  • If I try to save a figure as a ".fig" and open it in Matlab, I don't have this message and I don't have any problem with the legend.
  • I know that all these ".fig" don't have any problem as I created them one month ago only and opened them a lot of time from my former computer.
So, do you have an idea ? Here is one of these figures as a ".fig", can you try to open it and tell me if you have the same issue ?
I thank you in advance,

Best Answer

Even I could reproduce similar issue in MATLAB 2018a but it worked fine for later versions of MATLAB. I verified it for MATLAB 2019a and MATLAB 2019b. In your case upgrading may help.