MATLAB: Want to get 16 bit information of depth from Kinect v1?

Data Acquisition ToolboxImage Acquisition Toolboximage processingImage Processing Toolboxkinectkinect sdk

Hello every one,
I am stuck in this problem for like a month,
I want to use matlab tool box of NYU Depth Dataset on my own imagesto do depth filling and other processing which I will take from Kinect v1. Problem is the Raw images of NYU are in 16 bits with max value around ~65000 after which he applies swapbytes and its maximimu value gets to 2047 which is 11 bit information.
I get data in mm from my own Kinect through Matlab which is quite different than their Raw datset. i fing no other way to get it equivalent to their raw dataset excepth from to get 16 bit information which will be around 65000 as its max value.
I also know that the depth information is in 13(some says 11 bits).
I would like to know if I am wrong somewhere andlook farward to any further help.
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Problem is the Raw images of NYU are in 16 bits after which he applies swapbytes
Ok, they get get raw data a 16-bit big-endian integers and convert these to little-endian integers because that's the memory layout that computers use (at least all the ones on which matlab run). Presumably, later on they convert the raw data into calibrated measurement (mm by the sound of it)
I get data in mm from my own Kinect
So all of the above has already been done for you and you don't need to worry about it. Applying the same procedure would make no sense since the starting point is not the same.
If you want to use the exact same procedure then you need to change the output of your kinect so that you get raw data instead of calibrated (I know nothing about kinect, so don't know how you'd do that). otherwise, you have to identify the part of their code that convert raw to calibrated and not execute that bit since you alread have calibrated data.
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