MATLAB: Vv with long names

long name m-files

Hey, got installed the 2016b version on mac and it seems to not like programmes with long names: when i try to run this code directly step1_preproccessing_CL_TDT-170920-112847
gives me this error: Undefined function or variable 'step1_preproccessing_CL_TDT'.
if I change the name to shorter one (e.g.,step1_CCEPs_Pre) it runs ok but it's no good for me as i wanna call my code as above.

Best Answer

Matlab only uses the first namelengthmax characters of any identifiers. This has been fixed to 64 characters since forever and there's been no indication that it's about to change.
There is no workaround, you will have to use shorter names. Embedding metadata in filenames is not a good idea anyway. Embed that metadata with your data instead.