MATLAB: Volume of a cylinder


I seem to have run in to a problem with an assignment part A- Having radius r1=8 and height h1=15 Calculate volume of cylinder V1 (formula v=pi*r^2*h)
Now here's the problem, Part B- Using h1 from part A find radius r2 of another cylinder V2 that has a volume greater by 20% than that of V1. If anyone could guide me through part B

Best Answer

Seems like you have this information:
V1 = pi*(r1^2)*h1 <-- this is all known
V2 = 1.2 * V1 <-- this is given
V2 = pi*(r2^2)*h1 <-- this is volume of V2 using r2 and h1
You just need to solve for r2 using the above.