MATLAB: VLookup Multiple Conditions if statements

comparingif statementMATLABvlookup

I was wanting to modify this code to perform a VLookup on 2 columns and return the element of one of the correspoding column element in the same row?
Can someone please assist me on the if statements for this function?
Here is a function I found on Mathworks that I would like to modify: So instead of having one lookup column I need 2.

Best Answer

No need for a function.
See inline comments for details.
% Define matrix
m = randi(3,2000,5);
% Define search variables
lookupValues = [1,3]; % values to search for in the two columns
lookupColumns = [2,3]; % two column numbers to search in
returnColumn = 1; % the column number used to return the output
% Compute outputs (same variable names as the function you shared)
index = ismember(m(:,lookupColumns), lookupValues, 'rows');
content = m(index, returnColumn);
Cell arrays
Look up the value of 2 in column 1 and 'Day' in column 2:
idx = [C{:,1}]'==2 & strcmpi(C(:,2), 'Day');
C(idx,3) % or [C{idx, 3}]
Look up the value of 2 in column 1 and 'Day' in column 2:
idx = [T{:,1}]==2 & strcmpi([T{:,2}], 'Day');
T(idx,3) % or [T{idx, 3}]