MATLAB: “vision.Ge​ometricTra​nsformer” Object

Computer Vision Toolboximage correction

Hi, My code supposed to make correction (in video) by using Affine transform in the location of ROI that carried out in him a displacement and rotation. I used in “estimateGeometricTransform” function for make the Affine transform, but I would like to use in Object called "vision.GeometricTransformer" instead. How can I use this Object in order to make correction to displacement and rotation image by using the "vision.GeometricTransformer" Object with an emphasis on making this by Affine transform?
Thanks, Itai

Best Answer

Why do you like to use the vision.GeometricTransformer object? The documentation says "The vision.GeometricTransformer System object will be removed in a future release. Use the imwarp function with equivalent functionality instead." Here is an example that uses estimateGeometricTransform and imwarp with a similarity transform instead of affine. But the workflow for affine is similar. You just need to set the estimateGeometricTransform transformProperty input argument to affine.