MATLAB: Viscircles. Example doesn’t work

Image Processing Toolboxviscircles

I try to understand function Viscircles. But i can't do it. I can't to launch the example Clear Axes Before Plotting Circles. Where i can wrong?
colors = {'b','r','g','y','k'};
for k = 1:5
% Create 5 random circles to display,
X = rand(5,1);
Y = rand(5,1);
centers = [X Y];
radii = 0.1*rand(5,1);
% Clear the axes.
% Fix the axis limits.
xlim([-0.1 1.1])
ylim([-0.1 1.1])
% Set the axis aspect ratio to 1:1.
axis square
% Set a title.
title(['k = ' num2str(k)])
% Display the circles.
%% Error using viscircles>parseInputs (line 175) Unknown input string: Color.
%% Error in viscircles (line 67) [ax, centers, radii, options] = parseInputs(varargin{:});
% Pause for 1 second.

Best Answer

Which release are you using? Does the documentation page for viscircles included in your installation list 'Color' as one of the options viscircles accepts? The online documentation is for the most recent release and may describe functionality not available to you if you're using an older release.