MATLAB: Viewing IQ Math variables in Scope of Matlab Simulink

c2000Embedded Coderiqmathtms320f28027

I am trying to observe the ADC result of 28027 in scope of Matlab-Simulink. The output of the ADC is coming in integer format. But I would like to see it in real word value . .ie say if output is 4096 it should show value of 3.0 in the scope of Matlab Simulink. I have used data conversion block of Matlab Simulink with setting of output data type as fixdt(1, 32, 19). However, the values seen are the integer type.

Best Answer

Hi Sachin,
Please find the attached model which is created in 2019a version of MATLAB.
We have used fixdt(1, 32, 19) data type for the math.
Please let us know if this helps.
Venkatesh C