MATLAB: VideoWriter frame count problem


I am trying to create a movie from a bunch of PNG images (10 in number) that are stored in a folder. My code looks like this:
img_folder = 'Libraries\Documents\myImageFolder\';
img_format = '*.png';
images = dir(fullfile(img_folder,img_format));
for i = 1:10
img = imread(images(i).name);
v = VideoWriter('test.avi');
videoFile.FrameRate = 3;
frames = getframe(gcf);
when I run the code, the figures show up and are refershed as the loop runs. The code ends with everything seemingly fine without any error. But when I run the video file test.avi, I only see the last frame and the movie abruptly ends. When I check the value of frame count from the workspace, it says frame count = 1. It should be 10 as there are 10 images and the for loop loops over 10 images. What am I doing wrong.
Help much appreciated.

Best Answer

The call to VideoWriter should be before the loop.