MATLAB: VideoReader – Matlab R2014b – Ubuntu 15.10

MATLABvideoreader ubuntu 15.10 ffv1 ffvhuff uncompressed planar yuv 4:4:4 gstreamer 0.10 r2014b

Hi everybody
I've tried to get access to a AVI-File in Matlab R2014b under Ubuntu 15.10 with the following commands:
I've tested these two commands with different coded videos (FFV1, FFVhuff and Uncompressed planar YUV 4:4:4). All tests have failed. I always got the following error messages:
Error using mmfileinfo (line 70)
The VideoReader plugin libmwgstreamerplugin failed to load properly.
Error using VideoReader/init (line 619)
The VideoReader plugin libmwgstreamerplugin failed to load properly.
Error in VideoReader (line 172)
Currently I've installed all available gstreamer0.10 packages under Ubuntu and the gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg plugin out of a PPA source. This should actually help according to similar question I found on google. So I have no further ideas to solve this problem. The gstreamer1.0 packages are also on my system. Maybe they are the source of my problem, but I cannot remove them, because they are necessary for many other applications.
I would appregiate, if somebody could help me?
Kind regards
Daniel Matthes

Best Answer

It might be the gstreamer problem; see and note that the problem has other symptoms than just the one shown in that Question.