MATLAB: VHDL Coder Error: “Found an unsupported unbounded loop structure”

HDL Coder

Hello, I am trying to convert this code into HDL. I am getting these errors but it won't tell me the location. I have already changed all the for loops into static ones. What can I do to fix this? I'm new to matLAB and also to HDL Coder so I don't know if the way I'm going through the matrices is supported or not.
OneRVHDLtest_fixpt:0 Error Found an unsupported unbounded loop structure, at Function 'sortIdx' (#53.18405.18482), line 530, column 1 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.17932.18022), line 514, column 5 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.11676.11779), line 333, column 5 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.3899.4005), line 105, column 13 Function 'sort' (#45.3187.3277), line 72, column 5. This loop may be user written or automatically generated due to the use of specific vector expressions or functions.
OneRVHDLtest_fixpt:0 Error Found an unsupported unbounded loop structure. This loop may be user written or automatically generated due to the use of specific vector expressions or functions.
OneRVHDLtest_fixpt:0 Error Found an unsupported unbounded loop structure, at Function 'sortIdx' (#53.18405.18482), line 530, column 1 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.17756.17862), line 507, column 9 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.11676.11779), line 333, column 5 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.3899.4005), line 105, column 13 Function 'sort' (#45.3187.3277), line 72, column 5. This loop may be user written or automatically generated due to the use of specific vector expressions or functions.
OneRVHDLtest_fixpt:0 Error Found an unsupported unbounded loop structure, at Function 'sortIdx' (#53.19212.19330), line 561, column 13 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.17756.17862), line 507, column 9 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.11676.11779), line 333, column 5 Function 'sortIdx' (#53.3899.4005), line 105, column 13 Function 'sort' (#45.3187.3277), line 72, column 5. This loop may be user written or automatically generated due to the use of specific vector expressions or functions.
OneRVHDLtest_fixpt:0 Error Found an unsupported unbounded loop structure. This loop may be user written or automatically generated due to the use of specific vector expressions or functions.

Best Answer

It looks like the error is originating from the unsupported functions calls on these lines.
HDLCoder team is aware of the issue with traceability of error messages from deep inside MATLAB toolbox library functions. The team is working on enhancing this behavior and making the experience better when reporting unsupported constructs. The above message shows future behavior from such calls until those restrictions are removed.
For now consider writing your own median function using supported MATLAB constructs.
Hope this helps.