MATLAB: Vertical Distance from Single Coordinate

altitudevertical distance

I'm trying to output various altitudes from a single GPS coordianate. Below is code that I'm using to create a graph utilizing the calaualtions of diatance from the transmitter with horizonatal distance. I'm trying to do the same but from a single transmitter with altitude.
for i = 1:20
x(i) = 1000*i;
[lat(i), lon(i)] = location(tx,x(i),90); %Calculate a new transmitter, location(site,distance,azimuth)
rx = rxsite('Name','Ship 2','Latitude',lat(i), 'Longitude',lon(i), 'Antenna',ant,'AntennaHeight',34, 'SystemLoss',0, 'ReceiverSensitivity',-89);
pl(i) = pathloss(pm,rx,tx);
signalStrength(i) = sigstrength(rx,tx,pm);

Best Answer

You can query the ground elevation of a txsite or rxsite location using the elevation function. This returns ground elevation as height above mean sea level, and you can add height above ground to this in order to get altitude.