MATLAB: Velocity of a Weather Balloon


Let the following polynomial represent the velocity of a weather balloon following the launch:
v(t) = -0.25*t.^3 + 36*t.^2 – 760t + 4100
Here, "t" needs to be dened as a symbolic variable. By using the given velocity polynomial, construct a MATLAB code to:
a) Find the altitude polynomial of the balloon in terms of t where constant term of the altitude polynomial is dened as "9".
b) Determine when the balloon hits the ground (Your code should give one exact answer as an acceptable numerical value for t).
c) Obtain plots of altitude and velocity from time 0 until the balloon hits the ground by using the command "ezplot".

Best Answer

I will give you a start:
syms t;
v=-0.25*t.^3 + 36*t.^2 - 760*t + 4100;