MATLAB: Vectroizing lots of MAT FILEs

column vectormatfileMATLABrow vector

Have 100 .mat files of size NXN.
The mat files have data that are similar to toepleitz matrix and the values are complex double in nature.
My requriement is to save 3 different types of vectors for each matfile
1. Convert the contents of NxN matfile into N2X1 vector.
2. Extract the diagonal elements from the mat file and save into another row vector
3. Extract the first row of the mat file and store into another vector.
Please guide.

Best Answer

You can do something like the following code. It assumes that each .mat file have a matrix named 'M'
files = dir('*.mat');
for i = 1:numel(files)
filename = files(i).name;
data = load(filename);
M = data.M;
v1 = M(:); % 1. Convert the contents of NxN matfile into N2X1 vector.
v2 = diag(M); % 2. Extract the diagonal elements from the mat file and save into another row vector
v3 = M(1,:); % 3. Extract the first row of the mat file and store into another vector.
save(filename, 'M', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3')