MATLAB: Vectors must be the same length

numerical summation

Ploting this equation numerically
and this is what I've done (below) but it says vector must be the same length. Thank you for your help
v = (0.01*2.0e-12) ;u = 5.0;
K = 8.617e-5;
T = 300; hBar = 1;
no = 10e16; dg = 1;
trig = (sin(4)*cos(4));
t = 2.0e-12; e = -1;
deltag = 0.0156;
n=[0.00 0.036 0.072];
Betag = linspace(0,10, 30); % However many you want.
p = (0.9*pi);
delta1 = deltag./(K.*T);
I0 = besseli(0,delta1); I1= besseli(1, delta1);
I2 = (I0./I1);
jog = ((no*e*deltag*dg)/hBar).*I2;
[mu] = meshgrid(-10000:100:10000);
legendStrings = cell(length(n), 1);
for k1 = 1:length(n)
thisN = n(k1);
for i = 1:length(Betag)
B1 = Betag(i);
J1 = besselj(mu,B1);
J = (J1.^2);
R = (v + (mu.*u));
S = ((v + (mu.*u)).^2);
Z = (1+thisN.*((I2.*exp(1i.*mu.*p))+1)).*trig;
tmp = ((J.*R)./(1+(2.*thisN)+(thisN.^2)+S)).*Z;
J(i) = jog.*sum(tmp(:));
legendStrings{k1} = sprintf('n = %.2f', thisN);
plot(Betag, real(J), '.-', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 15);
hold on;
grid on;
fontSize = 20;
xlabel('\beta_\gamma', 'FontSize', fontSize)
ylabel('\it j_\gamma', 'FontSize', fontSize)
title('\it j_\gamma vs. \beta_\gamma', 'FontSize', fontSize)
legend(legendStrings, 'Location', 'best');

Best Answer

[mu] = meshgrid(-10000:100:10000);
mu is now a 201 x 201 array.
J1 = besselj(mu,B1);
mu is 201 x 201 so J1 is 201 x 201.
J = (J1.^2);
J is the same size as J1, 201 x 201.
J(i) = jog.*sum(tmp(:));
one of the first 30 linear-indexed elements of J is replaced, leaving it 201 x 201.
plot(Betag, real(J), '.-', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 15);
You plot the vector of length 30 against the 201 x 201 array.
I suggest
for i = 1:length(Betag)
B1 = Betag(i);
J1 = besselj(mu,B1) .^ 2;
R = (v + (mu.*u));
S = ((v + (mu.*u)).^2);
Z = (1+thisN.*((I2.*exp(1i.*mu.*p))+1)).*trig;
tmp = ((J1.*R)./(1+(2.*thisN)+(thisN.^2)+S)).*Z;
J(i) = jog.*sum(tmp(:));