MATLAB: Vectorize for-loop that changes overlapping parts of an array

for loopoverlapping dataspeedvectorize

Hi everyone,
I have problem speeding up my code. I have a very large (20-40m datapoints) logical array and at every position where it reads "1", the next N datapoints should be set to "1" a well.
I have the following code that is quite slow since it has a for loop:
logarray; %logical array of size 40000000x1
inx=find(logarray); %inx can be quite large as well, 1-5m points
for ii=1:length(inx)
This code works, but is very slow (more than 10 secs). I tried something like
but this did not work. I was wondering whether vectorisation would be a solution here? Mind that overlapping parts of the logical array are changed by the loop.
Does anyone have a good suggestion?
Thanks, Maximilian

Best Answer

Easy when using convolution:
logarray = logical([0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1])
N = 2 ;
out = conv2(double(logarray(:)), ones(N+1,1)) ;
out = out(1:numel(logarray))>0 ;
out = reshape(out,size(logarray)) ;
disp([logarray(:) ; out(:)]) ;