MATLAB: Vectorization of while loop

MATLABperformancerandomrandom number generatorvectorizationwhile loop

Hi all,
I have a small function, which generates random numbers in a specific interval. The function tests the generated values in respect to a certain bound and recalculates the random numbers again, if the bound is violated. I have to call this function several times (in this case 60 000 times), so this takes a lot of time (3/4 of the total time). I have read about vectorizing the code to improve performance. But I am totally helpless with this task. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
However, if someone has an idea to rewrite the while loop in a different way that would be great, as well.
meanValue = 10;
devValue = 1;
numValues = 10000;
presumption = 1;
for i = 1:60000
arrayValues = RandomNums(meanValue, devValue, numValues, presumption);
function arrayValues = RandomNums (meanValue, devValue, numValues, presumption)
%% create rand nums
% normally distributed with meanValue +/- devValue
numValues = round(numValues);
arrayValues = devValue*randn(numValues,1) + meanValue;
% check confidence-limes for each value and create new one if outside
for idx = 1:numel(arrayValues)
while (arrayValues(idx) > (meanValue + presumption*devValue) || arrayValues(idx) < (meanValue - presumption*devValue))
arrayValues(idx) = devValue*randn(1,1,'double') + meanValue;

Best Answer

meanValue = 10;
devValue = 1;
numValues = 1000000;
presumption = 2;
% Function from here
arrayValues = meanValue + TruncatedGaussian(-devValue, presumption*[-1 1], [1 numValues]);
toc % Elapsed time is 0.055511 seconds for one billions random numbers.
% Check histogram
Histogram obtained