MATLAB: Vectorization of a for loop


Hi, I am currently having difficulty with vectorizing a for loop. The purpose of the the loop is to iterate through column vector A and output 1 to empty column vector B if the element in A is greater than some scalar, and 0 otherwise. So far I have:
count = 1;
for len = 2:length(filteredArray) + 1
if filteredArray(count) > inputScalar
tempVector(count) = 1;
count = count + 1;
elseif filteredArray(count) <= inputScalar
tempVector(count) = 0;
count = count + 1;
This works fine, but I have no idea how to vectorize it for better efficiency. I thought about
x = filteredArray(1):1:length(filteredArray) + 1;
tempVector(x) = (filteredArray(x) > inputScalar);
But I don't know how to work in the other condition and the outputs into a new vector. Help would be appreciated and thank you.

Best Answer

% assuming fake data
filteredArray = [8 3 5 6 10 5 10 4 8 7];
inputScalar = 5;
% then apply
tempVector = filteredArray > inputScalar; % this do your requirement
For more info on Array Comparison with Relational Operators read help
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