MATLAB: Vectorial anonymous function, given its components as anonymous functions

fsolvevectorial function

Hello everybody,
I would like to create a vectorial anonymous function, building it up by simply "putting together" the functions corresponding to its elements (previously defined as scalar anonymous functions, of vectorial variable x). My aim is to create an anonymous function that, for instance, can be recognized by fsolve as a single anonymous function.
Here is an example:
g = @(x) x(1) + x(2).^2 ;
h = @(x) -2*x(1) + x(2).^3 ;
Now, I would like to create (formally): f(x) = [ g(x); h(x) ], without specifying it directly as:
f = @(x) [ x(1) + x(2).^2 ; -2*x(1) + x(2).^3 ] ;
but, rather, combining g and h previously defined, to end up with an anonymous function equivalent to f reported above (in such a way that, for instance, it can be fed to fsolve).
Any suggestion to do it?

Best Answer

This will work
g = @(x) x(1) + x(2).^2 ;
h = @(x) -2*x(1) + x(2).^3 ;
f = @(x) [g(x); h(x)];