MATLAB: Vector size error or Polyfit

detrendpolyfitx y vector length

Am trying to detrend some ECG data using polyfit(). Error message is that X and Y vectors not the same size. But they are, I think:
ChannelFirst 1×92672 double t 92672×1 double
Here’s the code:
t = (1:length(ChannelFirst))';
subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,ChannelFirst), grid title 'ECG Signals with Trends', ylabel 'Voltage (mV)'
subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,ChannelFirst), grid xlabel Sample, ylabel 'Voltage (mV)'
Code works fine to this point. Plot looks correct. However,
opol = 6;
[p,s,mu] = polyfit(t,ChannelFirst,opol);
Error using polyfit (line 47) X and Y vectors must be the same size.
t and ChannelFirst appear to be the same size
can someone please help ? are t and Channelfirst not the X and Y vectors for polyfit?

Best Answer

[p,s,mu] = polyfit(t.',ChannelFirst,opol);
[p,s,mu] = polyfit(t,ChannelFirst.',opol);
One of your vectors is a row vector and the other is a column vector. You need to have them the same orientation.