MATLAB: Vector multiplied a matrix

arrayMATLABmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulationmultiplevectorvectors

Hi, I need this multiplication and I can't whats wrong
where c and T are the attached files.
so I expect a raw vector f where:
f_11 = c_11*T_11 + c_12*T_21 + c_13*T_31 + c_14*T_41 + c_15*T_51;
f_12= c_11*T_12 + c_12*T_22 + c_13*T_32 + c_14*T_42 + c_15*T_52;
and so on.
It's really stupid i know, but I can''t figured out why it's not working.
c has 1 colum and 5 rows, T has 101 colums and 5 rows.

Best Answer

Maybe this is what you want if c is 5 x 1 and T is 5 x 101:
f = c.' * T;