MATLAB: Vector Manipulation into a matrix

matrixmatrix manipulationvector

I have a vector, A, of dimensions 21-by-1. How would I be able to manipulate this matrix such that:
A = [a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;i;…]
Becomes a 3-by-7 matrix, B:
B = [c,b,a;f,e,d;i,h,g,…]
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

Best Answer

Hi Daniel,
This can be solved by first using the reshape function and then performing the circular shift operation.
% Suppose the vector is a - of length 21
a = rand(21,1); % random column vector 21-by-1
% Now use the reshape operation to the desired size
aReshape = reshape(a,3,7); % Size is 3-by-7
% Store the first row in a variable
temp = aReshape(1,:);
% Replace the first row with the third row
aReshape(1,:) = aReshape(3,:);
% Replace the third row with the first row
aReshape(3,:) = temp;
out = aReshape;
The documentation link for the reshape function is
Hope this helps.