MATLAB: Vector indexing inefficiency question.


Hi all,
I am having performance issues with matlab and I was wondering if anybody had any ideas to speed up my algorithm
I have four vectors, a,b,c,d each of varying lengths. Each value inside the vectors represents a particular angle.
a = [1 2 3 5]
b = [2 52 53 51 55 66]
c = [1]
d = [3 6 9]
A set of four values from A, B, C, D represents a particular geometry I need to evaluate. For example, [1 52 1 9] is a geometry [2 2 1 6] is a geometry etc…. I need to do this for every possible combination of geometry available.
currently I have a bunch of nested for loops, and while I know this is inefficient, it helps me for debugging and I wasn't sure how to vectorize when you need to do each geometry, especially when the vectors are of varying lengths.
Anybody have any good ideas?

Best Answer

Have you looked at perms built-in function? I'm sure you can manipulate to fulfill your need.
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