MATLAB: Vector Generation Through Loop


Hello everyone.
So I'm a beginner and I am trying to generate a smooth signal w from an original signal r
a is a constant
w(k+j) = a*w(k+j-1)+(1-a)*r(k+j) for j = 1 , 2 , … , N
How can implement this signal and store the value of every iteration to form a vector w
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Hi Saleh,
This can be done through for loop. The documentation link to for loop is Please go through this to have easy going.
The code for what is asked is: (There is no intimation of k in the condition)
% Consider a random signal of length N
N = 100;
r = rand(N,1);
% Smoothing factor a
a = 10;
% Write the loop
tmp = 0;
w = zeros(N,1);
for j = 1:N
w(j) = a*tmp+ (1-a)*r(j);
tmp = w(j);
% The output is provided in w
Hope this helps.