MATLAB: Vector between vectors in intervals


I have two orthogonal vectors in a 3d system: [-0.0345;0.9984;-0.0447] and [0.9838;0.0370;0.0431]. I know that by adding the two I can obtain the middle vector, so the one with 45° to both other vectors. What I want is all the other possible angles in intervals, like from the first vector to the second in steps of 5° (5° to the first, 85° to the second etc.). Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

vec1 = [-0.0345;0.9984;-0.0447];
angle = 5*pi/180; % angle of rotation in rad
v = vec1 + tan(angle)*vec2; % length of vec1 is 1
v = v/norm(v); % v is an unit vector 5 degrees from vec1