MATLAB: Vary a parameter and plot the output

for loopiterationiterativeloopsplotvariable

Hi, I have the following script for which I am trying to determine how the outlet temperature (Tout) varies depending on the solar radiation (I) available. I have tried to set (I) as an array and run the code as a for loop but this doesn't seem to give the desired result. Additionally it doesn't plot (I) against (Tout) at the end. Can anyone provide me with some insight as to how to rectify this. I have attached the code.
Kind regards

Best Answer

Try this:
function main
x0 = [500 500 500 500 5 5];
opt = optimset('Display','off'); % 'display', 'iter'
I = [500 550 600 650 700 750]; % Solar radiation
for k = 1:numel(I)
res(k,:) = fsolve(@(x)f(x,I(k)),x0,opt);
% res'
plot(I, res(:,3))
xlabel('Solar Radiation')
That ran for me without error in R2020a.