MATLAB: “Variable time delay” block in “For Each Subsystem”

continous statefor eachpropagation delaysimulinkvariable time delay

Hello, I try to synthesize noise coming from multiple targets to multiple sensors. I have two cascaded for-each sub-systems, the outer one iterating over sensor coordinates, the inner one interating over target coordinates. In the inner one, already the distances, propagation speeds and noise propagation delays are calculated and the undelayed noise is generated. The problem is when using the "variable time delay" block to delay the noise by the propagation delays, I get an error because the "variable time delay" block generates continous states, which seem to be not allowed in "for each" blocks. Can anyone help me there?
Thanks in Advance Torsten Knodt

Best Answer

The For Each Subsystem does not support the Variable Time Delay block at this time. Is it possible to pull the delay block outside both For Each Subsystems? Since the Variable Time Delay block can handle matrix signals, you can apply the delay to the noise signal en masse.