MATLAB: Variable number of input matrices in a function

functionvariable input

I want to change the code below so the function blkdiag can take on any number of matrices A, based on the value of N.
N = 3;
A_1 = sparse(1:N,1:N,-1*ones(N,1),N,N+1);
A_2 = sparse(1:N,2:N+1,1*ones(N,1),N,N+1);
A = A_1+A_2;
out = full(blkdiag(A,A,A))
So suppose N=4, then
out = full(blkdiag(A,A,A,A))
And so on.
How can I create a variable input for this function, based on a value?

Best Answer

N = 4;
A_1 = sparse(1:N,1:N,-1*ones(N,1),N,N+1);
A_2 = sparse(1:N,2:N+1,1*ones(N,1),N,N+1);
A = A_1+A_2;
blkdiaginputs = repelem({A}, N); %put your inputs in a cell array
out = full(blkdiag(blkdiaginputs{:})) %and convert the cell array into a comma-separated list
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